Instructor - Yoga Within Certified
My yoga practice started when I was a child alongside my Mom with Gerda Krebs teaching on the TV. Since that early age, yoga has been a constant and grounding practice that I’ve returned to many times throughout my life. In 2008, after moving into a neighborhood nearby, I dropped in to a yoga class at Yoga Within as I was looking to reconnect with my practice. Not knowing that Gerda had taught Melanie Checknita but feeling a comforting familiarity and energy at the studio, I kept returning to evening Hatha classes and Saturday classes. My first Yoga Quest opened my eyes to different types of yoga and gave me a challenge like I’d never taken on before and I finished it feeling grounded, balanced, and strong. After a few more years, I took my first Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Within in 2015. Teacher training was thrilling, eye-opening, and humbling and I loved it. As I learned more about the philosophy of yoga, the “activity” that I’d been enjoying became a much deeper and guiding influence in my entire life. I took Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Within again in 2022. I learn something from every class, every workshop, and every instructor and forever value being a student first.
My intention while teaching yoga is to be real about my body and mind and their abilities and to encourage others to be real about their own. I truly believe that yoga is for everybody and that everyone can benefit when they’re ready for it.