This prenatal practice will offer an exploration of movement and key yoga postures which will support and prepare the body during pregnancy and birth. Over the session the student will develop a relationship with supportive breath to use as a tool to help navigate strong sensation in the body. Each class will incorporate topics that are evidence based and that foster autonomy in making decisions during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


Meet Corrine

Corinne McNally, is an E-RYT500, RPYT and Hormone Yoga Therapy  Teacher who is vibrant and passionate. For nearly twenty years she has  focused her energy on teaching yoga to address women’s health and  wellness needs. She has been teaching Pre/Post Natal yoga for many  years and in 2012 created a short teacher training to help teachers feel  more comfortable guiding pregnant people in a yoga class. 

Yoga has always been a part of Corinne’s life. As a teenager, she learned  the healing effects of yoga and breath work from her drama teacher. Corinne also teaches a variety of yoga classes including, Hormone Yoga  Therapy, Yin, Hatha, Restorative and Flow. In addition Corinne hosts yoga  retreats and a workshops all across Canada. 

Her teaching methods imbue humour, honesty, sincerity and an open  heart. You will feel at ease while having fun, and learning a unique yoga  method.


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