On the first and fourth Friday of the month come join Kristine and a few other brave souls to venture into some movement that is just for fun. In a world asking you to achieve more with your life, your spirit, your fitness, we will have one hour that is rooted in a bit more spontaneity and play. Based on the movement course Kristine used to teach at the University of Alberta - we will use yoga as the foundation to explore some structured movement, some handstand and inversion play, and end the class with a guided meditation. The class is for you to let go of the week, and prepare for the weekend with play. Although the focus is fun we will be encountering and learning a new skill each week. We begin with yoga (20 minutes to prepare the body and mind), then we do movement based games or play, introducing the new skill, closing with guided visualisation/meditation. It won’t be precious!!!! Skills explored; some acro yoga, handstands, some of those ridiculous poses you wanted to try with a spotter, and movement patterning across the floor. Do not worry, the more awkward you are, the better it will be. This class is a mood booster and encourages you to commit to as many of the offerings as you can to build trust in the group. ALL levels, bodies and peoples are needed.

Style- Mood Booster

Level - All levels


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